Conference Jitters

I haven’t posted on Facebook in 10 years. But then I joined a first time conference attendees group. And let me tell you these people are PREPARED.

They have a fleet of emails walking me through everything from business cards to what to wear to what to pack in my bag. They are AMAZING. My preparation, on the other hand… sigh.

So I posted on the Facebook group for help and thought I’d share. I’m case anyone else wants some Angst Solidarity:

Hi all! Okay, so the nerves are setting in. When I bought my registration, I had many months of prep between then and now all planned out. As my little proverbial ducks rehearsed their intended choreographies for their ACFW debut, I thought—no need to worry, Karis. They are diligent ducks. They will all be in a row.

Less than a week out, I confess rather exhaustedly that this is not so. (I considered here a metaphor of life’s currents sweeping away one’s ducks, but will refrain on behalf of our feathered friends.)

The situation is thus: My old manuscript remains the mess it was; my promising idea has all of eight pages to its name, not even a synopsis to wink at completion; my business cards have barely half an initial on Canva; and this sentence isn’t even grammatically correct! (Is it?)

After a series of life’s usual mischief… there is no choreography, ladies and gents. It’s every duckling for themselves.

Any on have any recommendations for priorities? I have the flight there on Wednesday night and little else.

More pressingly: is it even okay to show up to an agent or editor meeting with no manuscript? Should I slap a smile on the old novel and tuck away the new? For context, I have two published fantasy novels with an online platform, that messy manuscript of a third, and am working on a fourth with the intent of moving away from online and into trad.

‘Prepare,’ everything I read tells me. But when that isn’t possible and imposter syndrome bares its grin—what’s Plan B?

All thoughts, feelings, commiserations, and swift kicks in the pants are welcome. The Ducklings of Karis need all they can get. ;)


Writer’s Conference Fieldnotes


This Month’s Crisis: to quit or not to quit